Methylmalonic Aciduria Precision Panel
Methylmalonic Aciduria/Acidemia (MMA) is an autosomal recessive disorder of the amino acid metabolism with a defect localized in the conversion of methylmalonyl-coenzyme A (CoA) into succinyl-CoA.

The clinical utility of this panel is:
Sloan, J. L., Johnston, J. J., Manoli, I., Chandler, R. J., Krause, C., Carrillo-Carrasco, N., Chandrasekaran, S. D., Sysol, J. R., O’Brien, K., Hauser, N. S., Sapp, J. C., Dorward, H. M., Huizing, M., NIH Intramural Sequencing Center Group, Barshop, B. A., Berry, S. A., James, P. M., Champaigne, N. L., de Lonlay, P., Valayannopoulos, V., … Venditti, C. P. (2011). Exome sequencing identifies ACSF3 as a cause of combined malonic and methylmalonic aciduria. Nature genetics, 43(9), 883–886.
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Zhou, X., Cui, Y., & Han, J. (2018). Methylmalonic acidemia: Current status and research priorities. Intractable & rare diseases research, 7(2), 73–78.
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Carrillo-Carrasco, N., Chandler, R. J., & Venditti, C. P. (2011). Combined methylmalonic acidemia And homocystinuria, cblC type. I. Clinical Presentations, diagnosis and management. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 35(1), 91-102. doi:10.1007/s10545-011-9364-y