Our Services > NACE
NACE Non-invasive Prenatal Test
Detects abnormalities, such as Down’s Syndrome with a simple maternal blood test.
What is NACE test?
NACE is a non-invasive prenatal test. This means that it is completely safe for you and your baby: a small blood sample, just like in any other routine blood analysis, is sufficient to perform the test. NACE uses the latest sequencing technology to analyse fetal DNA to detect the most common anomalies with high precision and reliability.
What does NACE detect?
NACE® detects abnormalities in chromosomes 21, 18, 13 and the most common anomalies in the sex chromosomes (X and Y).
NACE 24 Extended analyzes all 24 chromosomes and identifies microdeletions associated with 6 major genetic syndromes.
T21: Down Syndrome; T18: Edwards Syndrome; T13: Patau Syndrome; 45, X: Turner Syndrome
Who should use NACE?
NACE is available to all pregnant women from week 10 of pregnancy.
This test is recommended if:
- You want to enjoy a peaceful and healthy pregnancy
- You are at high risk of chromosomal alterations after your first trimester screening
- You have a previous history of births with chromosomal abnormalities
Why use NACE?
- Non-invasive and risk-free: Analyses the most frequent chromosomal alterations with a simple blood test. Completely safe for you and your baby
- Helps to avoid unnecessary amniocentesis
- Option to report fetal sex from week 10
- Pre- and post-test personalised genetic counselling is available