Genetic disorders are not curable but can be prevented! The risk of genetic disorder in the new born is increasing day by day. As per WHO, 10 out of 1000 babies are born with some sort of Genetic Disorder.
In cultures where consanguineous marriages are a common scenario, 17% new born baby has a high risk of genetic disorders. Generally, parents who are carriers of serious genetic disorders realize it after giving birth to an affected child. In fact, if both the parents are carriers then the risk of disorder to be found in their child rises to 25%.
IGENOMIX has developed an advanced Carrier Genetic Test (CGT) that can be done before conceiving, which can help couples to identify if their future baby is at a risk of a serious genetic disorder. In cases when the both the partners are carriers of a mutation in the same single gene, there is high risk of having an affected child. In these cases, they can ask their specialist about Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) to conceive a healthy child.
For example if both partners are carriers of Thalassemia or Thalassemia major or minor themselves, they can conceive a healthy baby through assisted reproductive technologies with the help of IGENOMIX’s Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD).
PGD screens the embryos for the genetic mutation which both parents or one parent is the carrier and enables selecting those embryos which are not affected by the genetic disorder. It is indicated for couples where both or one parent is the carrier with known personal or family history of monogenic disorders such as cystic fibrosis, fragile X syndrome, spinal muscular dystrophies (SMA), Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), Huntington disease, Thalassemia and many more. Even Fertile couples who have a known history of a genetic condition in their families can consider PGD testing. Couples who are opting for or undergoing IVF procedure should consider CGT as priority to avoid transmitting genetic disorders in their new born.